BEHIND B.LASHED: The Dreamer and the Doer... and Coco

Here goes my first blog post.

WOW. I can’t believe I actually worked up the courage to ACTUALLY do this. I am beyond proud of myself and my husband for all the hard work we’ve put into making b.lashed. I couldn’t have done it without him. I want to start off by talking about where I got the idea for b.lashed. I have always, always, always worn strip lashes. I remember when I was a little girl, I begged my mother to let me buy lashes at Target. I love Target. I was a cheerleader for over 10 years and LOVED competition season because that meant I could go buy myself some eye hairs!

I remember telling myself that I wanted to start my own beauty business one day. It seemed like a dream that was completely out of reach. I was totally that girl that would scoff at other people when they would say “your dreams are not that far away” blah, blah, blah. But to my amazement, they weren't all that wrong. What they don't tell you is how much work it is! To make your dreams a reality, all you need to do is do what no one else wants to do, put some effort into it.

Fast forward a decade (and a few years) and here I am! I started doing freelance makeup about 6 years ago and this is when I began to realize I could really build my own brand. I knew I connected well with people and that I had great ideas (don’t we all think we do, lol) but I didn’t have the courage, confidence or knowledge on how to get started.

Enter my husband, Alex. The problem solver and genius in my life. I relayed this dream to him quite a while ago. Every year, we talk about our goals for the year and what we want to achieve, this year we really wanted to start our own company and an online business. It sounds like a great idea until you realize all the work, time, money and here is that golden word again, effort, that goes into creating your own business.

I’m a dreamer, Alex is a doer. This is why we work so well together. The dreamer had a dream and the doer got down to business. We spent months and months researching ideas to start an online business. One day, Alex looked me in the eye and said “oh my gosh, it’s been staring us in the face this entire time” (literally). I was so confused until he explained that our business could be lashes. DONE. That was it. From that day, we took off running and we haven’t stopped yet! 

Without further ado, we present b.lashed! 




Certified Girl Boss and Owner



P.S. We couldn't do it without our trusty co-pilot, Charlotte AKA Coco Bean


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