24 Tips From a 24 Year Old
It's my birthday Thursday, April 9 and I really want to share 24 of my most memorable biz/personal tips with you! I also want to share my everyday makeup routine with you!
Have a questions about small business or personal? Submit a comment down below and I'll answer it during class!
Class Details
WHEN: Wednesday, April 8 @7:00pm PST (Las Vegas time)
WHERE: Instagram LIVE Click here to join
We Will Learn How To
1. Tips on how to apply lashes
2. Q&A with me. Submit questions here or send me a DM
This will be super informative. Invite your friends to watch too! If you miss the LIVE class, don't worry! I will have a recorded version of the class right here Thursday, April 9.
24 things I learned when I was 24
1. Ask for help. Biz/personal always always ask!!!
2. Have a list of 3 key things to get done each day, sprinkle in the rest
3. Drink the coke. Drink the Diet